
Thursday, 23 January 2014

Address to the Haggis

The all important haggis tasting.
Yum yum!
An enormous thank you to Mr Macsween for the Address to the Haggis, the very tasty sampling and also for then giving each child a meat and vegetarian haggis.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Great Burns' Night Celebrations

P2A and P5A had a great day together enjoying Scottish activities before finishing with a Burns Supper provided by Mr Macsween himself!
What a fantastic, fun and happy day we all had.  Here are a few glimpses into our day.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Happy New Year

It was great to be back in P2a today, hearing everyone's holiday news and getting ready for another fabulous term.
It's Scotland week and we had an action packed day, including Scottish country dancing, Scottish songs and poems! Many were introduced to the character Maisie from the Aileen Paterson books and we began to think about tenement life in Edinburgh.