
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

P3 Election Results

Everyone had an amazing time taking part in our P3 School Election.  The winners of the P3 Election were The Four Houses Party and The Schools Best Party. Congratulations to Sean and Sean who were jointly elected as the new Prime Ministers! 

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

P3C Paul Klee

Paul Klee Inspired art.

Wow, what wonderful artwork! Over the past week we have been learning about colours, shades and tinting, a technique used by Paul Klee. We then used this skill to design our own artwork inspired by his work. 

I am so impressed with the amazing art everyone created! 

Monday, 11 May 2015


Well done to everyone who took part in the swimathon today. I was very impressed how many good swimmers we have and how much effort everyone put in. Well done again!!

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Mini Election in P3c

We are all really enjoying learning about the 2015 General Election and are even more excited about our class campaigns. We are working in small groups to create a political party. Together we have written a manifesto, designed posters and leaflets and written a speech. Each team designed a rosette to represent our party and have been wearing them with pride. Today we had a debate in class and then voted for the two parties we want to go through to the P3 Election on Friday. 

Here are our parties:

Education for School Party

Believe and Achieve Party

National Sciennes Party

Great P3c Party

Healthy Handy Party 

Scottish Sciennes School Improvement Party 

School Party 

School's Best Party 

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

P3c Elections

The General Election is upon us and I'm sure the boys and girls in P3c could tell you all you need to know about it! We have been learning about elections, manifestos and the main political parties and this week we have been working in groups to create our own parties. 
Election Learning Wall: A selection of leaflets and posters that we've had through the door an our very own campaign posters. 

Check the blog on Friday to see who won the P3 Election 2015!