
Monday, 27 October 2014

Food Focus Fortnight Continues

Food Focus Fortnight continues with a slightly more healthy snack!!

P3A did an excellent job of preparing crudités and pesto dips.  They were hygienic and safe in the kitchen.  They worked well with a  group to prepare themselves a healthy snack.  We enjoyed tasting what we had prepared and many were very adventurous and tried things they previously thought they didn't like as well as trying foods they had not heard of before.

Mums and Dads don't be surprised if they would like to prepare it for you at home some time.
Master chef contestants of the future … pizza, crudités … what will we turn our hand to next?

1 comment:

  1. That looks such fun. Well done Primary 3A! Many thanks Ms P. and the lovely parent helpers - now I can get Dan busy in the kitchen confident that the results will be delicious!
